Poštovane kolegice i kolege, dragi prijatelji!

Iznimna nam je čast pozvati vas na CroEcho2017-te koji će se održati u Poreču.

CroEcho2017 je dvogodišnji ehokardiografski kongres s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, koji je izrastao iz prethodnih ehokardiografskih skupova i simpozija i nastavlja okupljati kardiologe koji su posvećeni ne samo ehokardiografiji već i kardiologe iz svih područja kardiologije.

Razdoblje od dvije godine dijeli nas od prethodnoga kongresa CroEcho2015  održanog u Opatiji.  Ovo proteklo razdoblje u kardiologiji obilježeno je napretkom i razvojem novih kardioloških prekutanih intervencija i potpora srcu te složenih slikovnih i hemodinamskih rekonstrukcija. Primjena novih spoznaja u kliničkoj kardiologiji, a posebice ehokardiografskih znanja i vještina u našem svakodnevnom radu dio je svakog od nas i naš temeljni pokretač.

Magnetska rezonancija i kompjuterska tomografija srca znatno su pridonijele pronalasku bitnih odrednica u patofiziologiji procesa koji se pojavljuju u širokom spektru bolesti, te omogućuju preciznije biranje pojedinačnog načina liječenja i usklađivanje terapije u okrilju medicine utemeljene na dokazima. Kardiologija današnjice time postaje propulzivnija, a uz timsku suradnju suradnih struka nudi ustrajne korake u poboljšanju kvalitete zbrinjavanja I dugoročne prognoze bolesti.

Kliničkim promišljanjem, ehokardiografskim i slikovnim prikazom u takvom okružju vraćamo pacijenta u središte kliničkog rada. Okupljanjem kardiološke grupe specijaliziranih stučnjaka oko kliničkog problema te razmjenom mišljenja i stavova, otvoreni smo za istinske napretke u struci i usmjereni dobrobiti bolesnika.

Ovogodišnji kongres CroEcho2017 dat će naglasak sagledavanju bolesnika u cijelosti i timskom rješavanju problema. Program je usmjeren poticanju profesionalne izvrsnosti za točnim i pravovremenim postavljanjem kardiološke dijagnoze i svrsihodnog liječenja. Cilj nam je pružiti edukaciju po načelima europskih i svjetskih standarda u područjima temeljne ehokardiografije i naprednih  ehokardiografskih ali I ostalih slikovnih metoda.

Kvalitetu stručnih i praktičnih sadžaja ehokardiografskog tečaja potvrđuje Edukacijski odbor EACVI-ja (Europskog udruženja za kardiovaskularno oslikavanje) Europskog kardiološkog društva, dodijelivši mu status izvanrednih tečajeva EACVI-ja.

Znanstveni dio kongresa sadrži objave rezultata izvornih istraživanja u obliku proširenih sažetaka, te usmenih plenarnih izlaganja, okruglih stolova i priopćenja. Izdvajamo istraživanje o ulozi deformacijskog oslikavanja u akutnom koronarnom sindromu i aortnoj stenozi, posebnostima u procjeni degenerativne mitralne stenoze i rijetkim kardiomiopatijama te zanimljive prikaze kliničkih slučajeve gdje je ehokardiografija utjecala na tijek liječenja I ishod bolesti.

I na kraju, CroEcho Vam je prilika za upoznavanje vodećih stranih i domaćih stručnjaka, te za razmjenu znanstvenih ideja i kliničkih iskustava u prijateljskom okruženju.

Očekujemo vas u Poreču!

Predsjednici kongresa

Jadranka Šeparović Hanževački i Viktor Peršić
Jadranka Šeparović Hanževački Viktor Peršić




Dear Colleagues,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to CroEcho 2017 congress which will take place in Poreč.

CroEcho 2017 is a bi-annual Croatian echocardiography congress with international participation, which has developed from previous national echocardiography meetings and symposiums and which keeps gathering cardiologists not only focusing on echocardiography but also those who are focused on other areas of cardiology.

Two years have passed from our previous congress CroEcho2015 that was held in Opatija. This period has been marked by the improvement and development of new cardiologic percutaneous interventions and cardio support as well as complex imaging and hemodynamic reconstructions. The application in everyday practice of new insights in clinical cardiology, especially echocardiographic knowledge and skills, is an important part of our work and our main driver.

Heart MRI and MSCT imaging have significantly contributed to determining important guidelines in the process of pathophysiology which occurs in a wide range of disease syndromes thus enabling a more precise choice of the treatment modality as well as an individual and optimized evidence-based medical treatment. The cardiology of today thus becomes more propulsive and, in team work with other complementary specialists, it enables a continuous improvement of the quality of care for the heart patient as well as an improvement of the long-term prognosis for the patient.

Through clinical review, echocardiography and imaging presentations in the heart team, we are putting the patient back in the center of our clinical work. Also, by putting together the group of specialized cardiology experts around solving clinical problems and through the exchange of various opinions, we are able to achieve true advances in our profession and are aimed at achieving biggest benefits for our patients. These important issues are the cornerstone of the modern cardiology and, more than ever, clinical echocardiography is to take this role.

This year’s CroEcho2017 congress will focus on taking an integral view of the patient and on problem-solving in a team. This program is aimed at boosting professional excellence in making a correct and timely cardiac diagnosis and in a purposeful treatment of the patient. It is our aim to offer you an education which is in accordance with the European and world standards in the areas of basic echocardiography, advanced echocardiography methods and as other imaging modalities in cardiology.

The quality of the professional and practical content of our course in echocardiography has been verified by the Education Board of the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) of the European Society of Cardiology, which has granted to our course the status of EACVI Extramural course.

Scientific part of the congress contains original research results presented as extended abstracts, plenary sessions, round tables and announcements. We highlight the research on strain analysis in acute coronary syndromes and aortic stenosis, specifics in estimating degenerative mitral stenosis and rare cardiomyopathies, as well as interesting case reports where echocardiography influenced the treatment course and outcome of the disease.

Finally, CroEcho is an opportunity to meet renowned international and national experts, and to share scientific ideas and clinical experience in a warm and collegial atmosphere.

Therefore, we are truly looking forward welcoming you in Poreč!

Congress Directors

Jadranka Šeparović Hanževački  and  Viktor Peršić